Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Sandwiches

I went to the grocery store last night to get a few things to make it through the week. I probably should have went Sunday, but the procrastination thing kept me busy not doing other things.

We have two Wal-Marts in this town, the busy one and the not busy one. I usually frequent the not busy one. Lets start with parking. Its really cold outside, so I look for a close spot, see one, but am disappointed that I am pointing the wrong way if I try to swoop in and take it. So, me being me, I go up the next aisle, turn the correct way into the aisle with the prized spot, and watch an asshole, come the wrong way up the aisle and take my spot. I should have just went the wrong way, got my spot and been on my merry way. But no. My goal next month is to stop thinking about pissing other people off. Next time I see a good spot regardless of which way I'm pointing or which way the arrows are directing me, I'm taking it.

Upon entering the store I realize they are kind of busy. OK, really busy for this Wal-Mart, and for being a Monday night, we are talking day after Thanksgiving busy. Still it doesn't dawn on me why everyone and their brother is at Wal-Mart on a Monday night at 7pm. Then I get to the bread aisle. Not a decent loaf in sight, and then it hits me, the weather report is telling us to expect 7-16 inches by noon Wednesday. Apparently the water aisle was hit really hard too The cereal aisle was quite picked over but, surprisingly though, there was plenty of milk. Oh, I almost forgot. I have a completely unrelated question. Why cant people stand in front of the yogurt that they want to buy? It never fails they stand in front of the yogurt you are interested in but angle their body so that they can decide what kind of yogurt they want . I never know what to do here. Do I reach in front of them? Its not like I'm taking the last blueberry, they don't even want my brand. Do I wait patiently but stare them down, hoping they will feel my eyes and get out of the way? Do I stand in front of someone else's favorite brand of yogurt, and angle my body so that I can see my brand? Cant someone write a book about grocery store etiquette? Id buy a copy.

OK, back to the weather and the lack of bread and water. Not in a million years will I ever be able to understand why bread is so scarce when their is a snow report. Do people see the weather report and race out to buy as much bread as their cart will hold? Why do people pick bread? Snow=Bread. I cant even begin to see the correlation.

Oh well, I guess its not my place to question that. Think Ill grab a snow sandwich and a glass of water, and see if I can catch some reruns of the Golden Girls.