Monday, August 27, 2007

A Classic Case of TMI.....

What is TMI, you ask?


Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart to get groceries. I purchased 174.00 worth of food, health and beauty aides, and OTC medications. While the check out attendant was ringing out my purchases, she shared these interesting tidbits about her life.

She usually works only 22 hours a week, but this week she only worked 14.

She missed hours because she had a court ordered class she had to take.

She is getting a divorce and had to go to a parenting class.

At parenting class, they made an example out of her, because she brought her new boyfriend along.

She was mad because she couldn't believe that the courts expect you to put your social life on hold while you wait the 12 months it takes to process your divorce.

Her 14 year old daughter told her to divorce her dad, so obviously it was the right thing to do.

Her ex-husband hit her with a coke bottle and bruised her stomach right after surgery.

Her son doesn't like condiments.

She used to go to subway and get mayo on her sub, but she doesn't anymore.

Her boyfriend prefers the spicy Italian sub with red wine vinegar over mayo.

She now gets her subs with red wine vinegar, because it isn't strong like most vinegars.

This is simply too much information.

A word to all cashiers......

A simple, "Is it still raining," or "its awful hot in here," suits me fine.

I feel like I invaded this woman's privacy, when all I really wanted to do was pay for my groceries, and get the heck out of there.

Silver Tonails...

I have one word for silver toenails......DON'T!!!!!

I was standing behind a lady at the bank today, I glanced down, and realized she had painted her toenails silver. (A very heavy metallic silver polish).

What is shocking, is she obviously did this on purpose.

I have absolutely nothing more to say about this.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Job, My Stress...

I used to love my job. I didn't mind it at all. In fact, when I first started with this company, I wondered why they were actually paying me to do what I was doing.

Boy, did that come to a screech and halt...........FAST!

In an earlier blog, I described what I do. Ill recap quickly. I work for a payday loan company. You come in and borrow, say...500.00, you write me a check, I give you the 500.00 and on your next pay day you come pay me 575.00. The next day, you come back and do it all over again. This becomes a vicious cycle for some, others (the smart folks), do it once every couple of months to help them over some sort of financial hump. A lot of people (those with a good sense of right and wrong) pay back without a problem.

Then there are the folks who see us as a dispenser of free money. These folks are the reason I'm slowly going insane. Ive never been the pushy type, I cant sell water to someone who is on fire, how am I supposed to sell these jackasses on the idea that they need to pay me back?

There are a few that as soon as they walk in the door, my first thought is "kiss that cash goodbye." In the business that we are in, that is expected, and is just a fact of life. But then there are the loyal customer who are as nice as nice can be, and then one day they just decide to screw you.

I am so sick and tired of knocking on doors, calling these d-bags 10 times a day, and always getting the same response. No Answer, or the ever popular PICK-UP-HANG-UP. At least have the decency to tell me why you aren't going to pay, this gives me the opportunity to tell you what will happen if you don't.