Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Job, My Stress...

I used to love my job. I didn't mind it at all. In fact, when I first started with this company, I wondered why they were actually paying me to do what I was doing.

Boy, did that come to a screech and halt...........FAST!

In an earlier blog, I described what I do. Ill recap quickly. I work for a payday loan company. You come in and borrow, say...500.00, you write me a check, I give you the 500.00 and on your next pay day you come pay me 575.00. The next day, you come back and do it all over again. This becomes a vicious cycle for some, others (the smart folks), do it once every couple of months to help them over some sort of financial hump. A lot of people (those with a good sense of right and wrong) pay back without a problem.

Then there are the folks who see us as a dispenser of free money. These folks are the reason I'm slowly going insane. Ive never been the pushy type, I cant sell water to someone who is on fire, how am I supposed to sell these jackasses on the idea that they need to pay me back?

There are a few that as soon as they walk in the door, my first thought is "kiss that cash goodbye." In the business that we are in, that is expected, and is just a fact of life. But then there are the loyal customer who are as nice as nice can be, and then one day they just decide to screw you.

I am so sick and tired of knocking on doors, calling these d-bags 10 times a day, and always getting the same response. No Answer, or the ever popular PICK-UP-HANG-UP. At least have the decency to tell me why you aren't going to pay, this gives me the opportunity to tell you what will happen if you don't.

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