Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Deep Fried Twinkie O's

When I was young, occasionally I was allowed to pick out the cereal I wanted. As, money was tight, this was a rarity. Because of this, I often had a choice between , puffed rice or puffed wheat. Both bland, bagged and as fate would have it, puffed. Not a good way to start the day.

Growing up in a household were money was tight, I made a vow: (well several of them). Here are a few.

When I have kids, they will be allowed to pick whatever cereal they want when we buy weekly groceries.

I will make a cheesecake without the crust and eat the whole thing.

I will drink more than one pop a day, if I so choose.

Never will I buy gristly pork chops, serve it up with a 25 cent box of macaroni and cheese and a can of corn and call it dinner.

Back to the cereal. When we go to the grocery store, and hit the cereal aisle, my son will grab the first cereal he sees. Honestly, I can place him at eye level with the worst of the worst, and he will go for the grape nuts. Recently he was at the store, and he was told to pick his cereal, he grabbed cheerios. What kind of 8 year old picks cheerios when he can have any candy coated, chocolate scented, ooey gooey heart attack in a box posing as breakfast stuffs?

When I was 8, and was given the honor of picking out my breakfast, I went for the most sugar coated, colorful box at eye level. In fact, I bet if there was a cereal called DEEP FRIED TWINKIE O'S WITH MARSHMALLOWS AND CANDY SPRINKLES, that is how I would have started my day every day.

Really, what is wrong with kids today?

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