Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Worlds Worst Tooth Fairy...

That would totally be me. There was never a worse Tooth Fairy than I. I just can't get it. I always forget. Not once in my childhood do I ever remember the tooth fairy forgetting to take a lost tooth and replace it with money. My son will blog one day how the tooth fairy never remembered.

Yesterday my son lost a tooth, the first one he ever pulled himself. Or as he put it, he bit down, and his top teeth "chopped it down." He carefully placed the tooth under his pillow and waited until morning to check to see what the tooth fairy had left him.

This was the actual exchange when my son called me at work after school to tell me the Tooth Fairy didn't come.

Chris: Hey Mom, I'm just calling you at work to see if you know something about the Tooth Fairy.

My Thoughts: SHIT! Why do I keep forgetting my part?

My words: I know a little about the Tooth Fairy, what were you wondering?

Chris: Will the Tooth Fairy take your tooth if it has blood all over it?

My Thoughts: Woohoo, an OUT!

My Words: ABSOLUTELY NOT! The tooth fairy only takes clean teeth.

This morning he was so happy to find the $3 instead the gleaming tooth, he polished to a high shine.


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