Sunday, December 13, 2009


I could start by saying it has been forever since Ive last had anything to share. Im not so sure what I have to share now is that important, but my fingers are itchy, so I figured Id stop by.

Here is just a quick rundown of me. I think one day I'll look back, and see what a dork I was, and laugh at all I felt needed sharing with random people.

A few things you should know about me:
I strive for balance.

I have an intense intellectual side and a juvenile sense of humor. I have more useless knowledge than most.

Im good at lots of things and bad at even more.
I think sarcasm is an art form.
I think unreasonable rules don't apply to me.
I always think that people I know all know each other.
I see order in chaos.
I know the address of nearly every house Ive lived in since birth, but I rarely know where my keys and cell phone are.
I can find anything with a GPS, but I cant find anywhere Ive ever been without it. I dont like grape.
I make up words.
I have a southern accent when Im sleppy.
I laugh at inappropriate times.
I don't go to church, but I pray everyday.
I am easily distracted, but I can read a good book cover to cover in 1 day.
Im a joiner, if you laugh, cry, yawn or vomit in front of me, Im going to join in. My bra and panties rarely match, my shoes however, always match.
I am intuative.
I support gay marriage.
I can be stubborn.
I collect tea.

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