Thursday, March 22, 2007

Family Favoritism

Im not really sure why I want to blog about this very touchy subject but recently my father said something to me, for which I had no response. This has never happened to me before, and I dont like it. He said something and I just stood there with my mouth open, and I believe my left eye may have even been twitching some.

Here is the back story.

I am a single mother, and I work hard to provide for myself and my son. Things are usually tight, and it isnt always easy, but we make it.

My brother has two kids, his girlfriend works, and he sits on his ass and collects social security. While his girlfriend works for minimum wage. My mother and father constantly give them money for food, diapers, whatever they need.

At any rate, I had just finished listening to my Dad rant about how much money he gives my brother, and how I never borrow a thing.

Then all of the sudden, these words leave his mouth, and just hang in the air between us, "Think what you will about your brother, he is the only one of us that owns his own home."

My brother bought a trailer for 500.00 off of some one he knew. I pay more than 500.00 a month to rent the place I live in.

Im completely Speechless!


UPDATE: My brother now works a bare minimum of hours, and the girlfriend now is in charge of the ass sitting. He delivers pizza's, only part time as not to mess up the amount of free money her gets.

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