Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Case of the Disappearing Network Card...

I am having computer problems.

I have a two year old E machine. (I know your opinion, and I concur) When I lived in my old apartment, I bought network cards as much as I bought light bulbs. If I had the hair dryer and the air conditioner going, I would blow a network card. So, each morning, I had to power down my computer before drying my hair. Odd, I know. But, it was a fact of life and I was OK with it.

Now, since I am in the new house, I haven't worried about network cards. I can run the television, the microwave, the furnace, lights, and the hair dryer all at the same time without worrying about network cards.

Not so long ago, I was up late, checking bank balances, and bills, I powered down my computer and went to bed. I awoke 6 hours later, and powered up my computer, and lo and behold I can't get online. I run diagnostics and discover that I have no network card!?!

What could this mean? Did someone break into my house while I was sleeping and steal my network card? Did it evaporate while I wasn't looking? How does this happen?

Determined not to have to run out and buy a new network card, I wait a couple of days. Don't ask me why I wait, but in thinking back I had some pretty crazy notions.

Maybe my computer is pissed off about a site I went to, and I am just going to give it a couple of days to come to its senses.

Maybe the person who broke in and stole the network card will realize that without the whole computer its pretty worthless. Or maybe their conscious gets to them and they break back in and return it.

Maybe if I turn it on and off a couple of times a day, my computer will realize that the network card never left, it was just on hiatus for a couple of weeks.

You don't understand, without my computer I feel powerless. How will I pay my bills? How can I see who got fired from The Apprentice, before I watch the show. (I actually had to watch Tim get fired) Normally I would Tivo it, get online the next morning, and see who got canned, then I would watch the show in the evening to see what mistakes they made, as they were making them. (I read magazines back to front too).

Today my Parents visited for Easter, and my dad got me back online in about 6 seconds. My life is back in order. Now I have my groove back! At least until someone else decides they cannot afford a 15.00 piece of hardware and chooses my life to turn upside down.

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