Sunday, January 28, 2007


I did absolutely nothing today, when I had a laundry list of things I needed to do. I feel incredibly guilty, but Ive recently discovered procrastination, and it suits me. I used to go do my laundry each and every week. Now I wait until I have no comfortable underwear, two days of wearing a thong, and that usually motivates me to get to the laundry mat.

I made breakfast this morning, and realized I cant fry bacon. I didn't realize there was a technique and skill involved, but apparently there is. I don't even know why I buy bacon. I don't really prefer it over sausage, and it depresses me that I cant make it. Sometimes I guess my life is going to smoothly and I feel an overwhelming need to set myself up for a failure.

I did the dishes and took a nap today. I took my son out for Chinese food. See, a lazy day indeed.

OK, something happened at the Chinese restaurant freaked me out a little. I pulled in the parking lot and parked beside, a long haired heavy set dude, whom I guessed was waiting for someone. At any rate, we went in to the restaurant, took our seats, and proceeded to the buffet. About 10 minutes into our meal, Mr. Long-Hair requested a table next to ours. Not that odd, but he stared at me the entire time we were eating. Even when my son got on weird embarrassing kid topics, he didn't even have the decency to look away. Instead he seemed to be entertained by my son questions about when he is going to get siblings, and if you have to be married to have kids, how come he still lived with me. After about another 20 minutes of the dude watching us, we got up, paid our check and proceeded to the entry way so that my son could play the bouncy ball baseball game before we left. Lo and Behold I turn around and there is Mr. Long-Hair, standing two feet behind me, watching my son play the game. I start to think maybe I'm silly, maybe this guy is just waiting for his turn to play the bouncy ball baseball game. So, I grab my sons hand and proceed to the car. I get in, lock the doors, get us all buckled and ready to go. By this time Mr. Hair is in his car, so I pretend to look for something so that he will leave before me. He pulls away, I exhale and drive to the dollar store across the parking lot. We go in looking for batteries, I get to the end of the first aisle, and who is standing before us, but Mr. Hair. How in the hell did he get in here? I saw him drive across the parking lot, and go behind the Value City. So, we grabbed the batteries, a pack of now and laters, and some ink pens and cheesed it out of there. Hopefully this is the last of my encounters with Mr. Hair.


Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Landlord...

I have a landlord, whom I frankly have no idea why when he decided to do rental properties, someone didn't stop him. Here are a few of the things that I have dealt in the 3 years I have called this tiny apartment home.

1. Box tape holding the seal on my refrigerator on. When I called requesting a new one, he said mine worked fine. Needless to say, I bought a new fridge right away.

2. My toilet breaking, because the d-bag had a paper clip holding something together, it eventually rusted through and snapped. I called him and requested that he have his maintenance man drop off one of those new fangled plastic clips. Hear tell plastic doesn't rust.

3. My landlord sends his maintenance man around monthly to inspect our building and each unit for leaks, because he says the water bill is too high. Though, call him for an actual leak, and he wants to know if its urgent or can it wait.

4. I dealt with 250.00 monthly electric bills for my apartment because I couldn't get my air conditioner replaced. Lease states you are not allowed to replace it yourself. After two years of living in 3rd floor-heat-rises-hell in the summer time, the thing finally broke. After two unsuccessful repairs, I got a new one. I now enjoy a monthly electric bill at about 120.00.

5. The burners on my stove didn't fit. When you placed a heavy pot of water on the burner, the weight of the pot would unplug the burner. I called the landlord. He says, use another burner. I bought a new stove too.

6. When it snows, I cant get up the driveway. I drive half-way up, and then slide backwards into the street. It's funny to look out the window at other people doing the same thing, and even funnier to look outside and see an empty parking lot, and cars parked on both sides of the street. I guess salting and plowing are too expensive. Earlier this week, I got to watch the rubbish guy slide backwards into the street. He only tired once, and then just proceeded to the next pick up. My first winter here, I called the landlord about plowing. He told me to go buy new tires. I didn't argue that they were new tires. He probably would have just said go buy newer tires.

7. Last August my Landlord lost my rent. He doesn't give receipts and demands only money orders or cashiers checks. I got an eviction notice and I called him. He gave me 30 days to put a stop pay on the money order and have a new one issued. I did all of this, then he calls me and says never mind he found it. At first his daughter told me that sometimes people steal rent checks out of his drop box. Then I received a letter from her stating," since you claimed your rent was stolen from our locked box, I'm giving you 30 days to fix this."

8. In the springtime we had a heavy rain. My son, comes tear-assing into my room to tell me his light bulb is raining. Not really sure what he was talking about, I went to investigate. Sure enough, Water was coming in though the light fixture. It had totally filled up the shade, and was leaking over the sides of the shade. I called him, and almost fell out of my chair when he responded, "Ill send someone out in a couple of days, until then tell your son not to turn on his light." I'm no genius, but I am sure I read somewhere electricity and water don't mesh well.

9. In January my landlord lost my rent, but since this time I was able to have this one replaced in a matter of days, he never called to say he found it. From here on out I'm sending all rents certified mail.

When I say all rents, I really mean next months rent. I'm moving.



I love lists. I am not sure why, but I do. So, I thought I would share one of mine.

10 Things that Really Annoy Me.

1. People who smell like Ass ( I'm not sure how this happens, but it's epidemic)

2. People down the street that dress up their log. No shit these people down the street from me have a log that they put clothes on. Right now it has on red shorts, red shirt, heart shaped glasses and a bunch of carnations clenched in its loggy teeth.

3. When a stop light goes out, and no one knows what to do. When a light goes out, treat it like a 4- way stop sign. However, seems most people around here don't know how that works either.

4. Peddlers. Each Friday, a group of people come to my business trying to sell the latest and greatest "innovage" products. Because I feel obligated once someone gives me a lengthy, enthusiastic sales pitch, I usually buy something. To date I have: a remote control lantern, 75 emergency greeting cards, 2 knife sets, thingys that go around your license plate that you can personalize, Disney books, light up angels, and a money clip. We no longer eat at the table, this is were all my "innovage" products are proudly displayed.

5. My Landlord. I could write a whole list within a list of why I despise my Landlord, but I wont. (Ill save that for my next list).

6. People who stop to have conversations at the end of a grocery aisle, blocking you from leaving or entering an aisle.

7. Lonely people who tell you everything. I mean absolutely everything.

8. When someone approaches you in a store, peers into your cart, and asks where did you find that cheeze whiz. Frankly, I'm not sure, and I don't want that kind of pressure. I just want to buy my cheeze whiz and leave before someone else asks me directions.

9. People who refuse to take drugs. I am talking people who will bitch non-stop all day about their hangover headaches, but refuse to take a freakin Advil, because they don't pollute their bodies with drugs, which in turn causes you to pollute yours because you now have a headache from listening to them all day.

10. Fruit flavored medicine. If cherries really tasted like that, we wouldn't eat cherries.

Just something I am wondering: Why does spell check always want to change freakin to foreskin?


Monday, January 22, 2007

What exactly is somewhere in the middle of banking and robbery?

The title of this post is what I do for a living. Since we are just getting aquainted, I figured I should tell you how I pay my bills.

I work for the payday loaning industry. Basically, I advance you some cash, then you come back and pay a whole lot more than you borrowed. Then you come back the day after you pay back and do it all over again.I love my job, well most parts of it. I don't like it when people don't pay me back, and I have to literally go to their houses and demand money. That kind of sucks. Probably more for me than for them. They probably aren't worried about me threatening them with death, I on the other hand, think of that daily.

Black Vs. Pink

OK, so its official, I set up my profile, let the world see what cheezy movies I love, and came to the conclusion of; no matter how many times I saved my profile to change the goofy random question, I would never find one I wanted to answer.

I noticed in setting this thing up, that you have options. (I love options). Unless I'm in the mood for a chicken sandwich, and I see that the restaurant now has 4 different equally tempting sandwiches. In which case I will usually order a burger, and wish I would have been able to make a freakin decision on which chicken sandwich I couldn't live without.

OK, back to the options. I was excited to see you get to pick the color and design of your blog page. Too Cool! This may not amuse veteran bloggers, but I was totally excited. I saw the black one first, and thought "cool, looks eye-catching," so I ticked the dot by the black page, and thought, "that was easy." I no more than clicked next and thought, " I just chose black, will I send the message that I wear too much eyeliner, black nail polish and write poetry about death?" Crap, and I thought this was going to be easy. So I use the back button, scroll through the "options" and see pink. Oh, Oh, Oh, I love pink. So enough said about that hopefully pink really is the new black.

Starting A Blog...

OK, so I somehow stumbled onto a Blog tonight. Sure, I've heard of Blogs, but frankly I have never had the desire to start blogging, or even glimpse into someones boring, pathetic, too much time on your hands life.

And then came Under The Turban: I don't know how I even managed to get to Tim Urban's blog, but I started reading and 2.5 hours later, I was still reading, and laughing my ass off. After I realized what a ridiculous amount of time I had just wasted, I decided, what the hell, why not waste a little more. So, here I am letting you glimpse into my boring, pathetic, too much time on my hands life!
