Sunday, January 28, 2007


I did absolutely nothing today, when I had a laundry list of things I needed to do. I feel incredibly guilty, but Ive recently discovered procrastination, and it suits me. I used to go do my laundry each and every week. Now I wait until I have no comfortable underwear, two days of wearing a thong, and that usually motivates me to get to the laundry mat.

I made breakfast this morning, and realized I cant fry bacon. I didn't realize there was a technique and skill involved, but apparently there is. I don't even know why I buy bacon. I don't really prefer it over sausage, and it depresses me that I cant make it. Sometimes I guess my life is going to smoothly and I feel an overwhelming need to set myself up for a failure.

I did the dishes and took a nap today. I took my son out for Chinese food. See, a lazy day indeed.

OK, something happened at the Chinese restaurant freaked me out a little. I pulled in the parking lot and parked beside, a long haired heavy set dude, whom I guessed was waiting for someone. At any rate, we went in to the restaurant, took our seats, and proceeded to the buffet. About 10 minutes into our meal, Mr. Long-Hair requested a table next to ours. Not that odd, but he stared at me the entire time we were eating. Even when my son got on weird embarrassing kid topics, he didn't even have the decency to look away. Instead he seemed to be entertained by my son questions about when he is going to get siblings, and if you have to be married to have kids, how come he still lived with me. After about another 20 minutes of the dude watching us, we got up, paid our check and proceeded to the entry way so that my son could play the bouncy ball baseball game before we left. Lo and Behold I turn around and there is Mr. Long-Hair, standing two feet behind me, watching my son play the game. I start to think maybe I'm silly, maybe this guy is just waiting for his turn to play the bouncy ball baseball game. So, I grab my sons hand and proceed to the car. I get in, lock the doors, get us all buckled and ready to go. By this time Mr. Hair is in his car, so I pretend to look for something so that he will leave before me. He pulls away, I exhale and drive to the dollar store across the parking lot. We go in looking for batteries, I get to the end of the first aisle, and who is standing before us, but Mr. Hair. How in the hell did he get in here? I saw him drive across the parking lot, and go behind the Value City. So, we grabbed the batteries, a pack of now and laters, and some ink pens and cheesed it out of there. Hopefully this is the last of my encounters with Mr. Hair.


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