Saturday, January 27, 2007


I love lists. I am not sure why, but I do. So, I thought I would share one of mine.

10 Things that Really Annoy Me.

1. People who smell like Ass ( I'm not sure how this happens, but it's epidemic)

2. People down the street that dress up their log. No shit these people down the street from me have a log that they put clothes on. Right now it has on red shorts, red shirt, heart shaped glasses and a bunch of carnations clenched in its loggy teeth.

3. When a stop light goes out, and no one knows what to do. When a light goes out, treat it like a 4- way stop sign. However, seems most people around here don't know how that works either.

4. Peddlers. Each Friday, a group of people come to my business trying to sell the latest and greatest "innovage" products. Because I feel obligated once someone gives me a lengthy, enthusiastic sales pitch, I usually buy something. To date I have: a remote control lantern, 75 emergency greeting cards, 2 knife sets, thingys that go around your license plate that you can personalize, Disney books, light up angels, and a money clip. We no longer eat at the table, this is were all my "innovage" products are proudly displayed.

5. My Landlord. I could write a whole list within a list of why I despise my Landlord, but I wont. (Ill save that for my next list).

6. People who stop to have conversations at the end of a grocery aisle, blocking you from leaving or entering an aisle.

7. Lonely people who tell you everything. I mean absolutely everything.

8. When someone approaches you in a store, peers into your cart, and asks where did you find that cheeze whiz. Frankly, I'm not sure, and I don't want that kind of pressure. I just want to buy my cheeze whiz and leave before someone else asks me directions.

9. People who refuse to take drugs. I am talking people who will bitch non-stop all day about their hangover headaches, but refuse to take a freakin Advil, because they don't pollute their bodies with drugs, which in turn causes you to pollute yours because you now have a headache from listening to them all day.

10. Fruit flavored medicine. If cherries really tasted like that, we wouldn't eat cherries.

Just something I am wondering: Why does spell check always want to change freakin to foreskin?


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